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MSF website will undergo scheduled maintenance on Saturday, 27 April, 10pm to Sunday, 28 April, 6am. During this maintenance period, users may experience intermittent access issues when accessing the website. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.

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Commissioner for the Maintenance of Parents (CMP) Process Overview

Tribunal for the Maintenance of Parents (TMP) Process Overview

About The Commissioner & The Tribunal


The Commissioner

The Commissioner for the Maintenance of Parents helps parents and children resolve maintenance issues through conciliation before resorting to legal action.


The Tribunal

The Tribunal for the Maintenance of Parents is a quasi-judicial body to hear and determine maintenance.

Contact Us

MSF Consolidated Hotline


To reach The Maintenance of Paren​ts, say "MOP" when prompted by the virtual assistant

Office of the Commissioner for the Maintenance of Parents (CMP)

Tribunal for the Maintenance of Parents (TMP)
