Ms Hazel Poa asked the Minister for Social and Family Development (a) whether the upcoming Government White Paper arising out of the Conversations on Singapore Women's Development will include LBTQ women; and (b) if so, whether there will be any steps taken to ensure that such women are protected from discrimination, hate speech and incitement of violence which may not fall within the protection against religiously-motivated violence under the Maintenance of Religious Harmony (Amendment) Bill.
1. We have received much feedback and suggestions from the public and various organisations in the course of the Conversations on Singapore Women’s Development. The Government is studying these ideas carefully, many of which aim to strengthen protection of all Singapore women, including LBTQ women, and will include the salient issues in the White Paper.
2. The Government takes a serious view on violence, discrimination and hate speech. We do not condone harassment, threats, incitement of violence, or use of violence against any person – regardless of gender, sexual orientation or gender identity. In cases where the Maintenance of Religious Harmony Act does not apply, remedies under the Penal Code or the Protection from Harassment Act are available, subject to the facts of each case.