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More Than $86 Million Invested In Scholarship and Training Awards to Support Early Childhood Educators

Type: Press Releases

Topic(s): Children & Families

1. The Minister for Social and Family Development Masagos Zulkifli today presented the ECDA Scholarships and Training Awards to over 270 aspiring and in-service educators at a presentation ceremony. Among them, 14 Training Award recipients received Commendation Awards for exemplary achievements during their studies.

2. The ECDA Scholarships support the professional development of promising inservice educators with leadership potential to take on larger job roles in their organisation or in the EC sector. The ECDA Training Awards support aspiring educators to fulfil their career aspirations and support the sector’s manpower needs.

3. To date, ECDA has invested over $86 million since 2015 to support close to 2,900 aspiring and in-service EC educators in pursuing their career aspiration and uplifting the professional quality of the sector. More than 1,600 have since completed their studies and joined the sector.

4. Many of our recipients continue to do well, advancing professionally and performing larger roles. ECDA Scholarship recipient Nurlisha D/O Muhammed Ali found her calling in early childhood and embarked on her professional journey as a novice teacher in 2011 with an Advanced Diploma in Kindergarten Education - Teaching. She has continued to deepen her professional skills and competencies by pursuing Continuing Professional Development courses and other professional certifications. Over the past 12 years, she has risen through the ranks and is now a vice-principal at her preschool.

5. ECDA will strengthen the support for EC professionals to help committed individuals join and stay in the sector, and to enjoy a long and fulfilling career.


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