Mr Sitoh Yih Pin To ask the Minister for Social and Family Development whether there are plans to extend the Lasting Power of Attorney Form 1 application fee waiver for Singapore citizens beyond 31 March 2021.
MSF encourages Singaporeans to plan ahead by making a Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA). It can give peace of mind to the one making the LPA as they put in place preferred care arrangements. It also helps families as there is clarity of who would be appointed to make decisions should their loved ones lose their mental capacity. Further, it avoids the need to apply to the Court for a Deputy to be appointed to act for the person without mental capacity.
2 About 98% of Singaporeans use the LPA Form 1. This is the standard form to grant general powers to manage personal welfare and property and affairs matters. The remainder use LPA Form 2 which gives more specific and complex instructions relating to the powers, for example, detailed instructions on future living arrangements or management of assets.
3 The waiver of the application fee for LPA Form 1 since 1 September 2014 is meant to encourage Singaporeans to put in place their LPAs. MSF is finalising its review on whether to extend the fee waiver beyond 31 March 2021, and will inform the public in due course.