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Take-up rate of registering Lasting Powers of Attorney, Age of Applicants and Mode

Type: Parliamentary Questions

Topic(s): Children & Families

Ms Hany Soh

MP for Marsiling-Yew Tee GRC


To ask the Minister for Social and Family Development (a) what is the take-up rate of registering Lasting Powers of Attorney since the establishment of the Office of the Public Guardian; (b) what is the profile age groups of the applicants who have registered their Lasting Power of Attorney; and (c) whether the Office of the Public Guardian has plans to implement online registration for Lasting Powers of Attorney.


1 As at 31 August 2020, there are 93,398 registered Lasting Powers of Attorney (LPAs).

2 More than half the applicants who have registered their LPA are within the age range of 50 – 69. The breakdown is in Annex A.

3 As part of the overall digital transformation effort of the public service to better serve Singaporeans, we intend to allow LPAs to be made and registered online. We also intend to amend the Mental Capacity Act to allow this. We will share more details when ready.

Annex A