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Opening Address by Mr Eric Chua, Senior Parliamentary Secretary for Social and Family Development & Culture, Community and Youth Singapore Boys’ Home Awards Ceremony 2024 Wednesday, 28 February 2024, 6:00PM

Type: Official Speeches (All), Official Speeches: Eric Chua

Topic(s): Rehabilitation

Parents and Families,


Partners & Colleagues,

Ladies and Gentlemen,


1.          Good evening. Very happy to be here this evening for the Singapore Boys’ Home Awards and Appreciation Ceremony 2024. And I must say it’s a wonderful feeling to see quite a few familiar faces this evening. I first met some of you a few months ago at the Esplanade, where you shared your experiences, struggles and dreams. I vaguely remember then that one of you wanted to join the SCDF, and one wanted to be a cabin crew. I’m not sure if you are here this evening. If you are, I hope to hear more about how things are going since we last met, and how you are working towards your dreams. I also hope at least some of you have read the Naruto manga that I had added to the Library inventory late last year!

2.          My better half introduced me to the Naruto anime series years ago and after watching a few episodes, I was sold, and the rest was history. What kept me going back to the anime (I’m very behind by the way), is Naruto’s demonstration of loyalty and camaraderie for his ‘nakama’ in the Leaf Village.

3.          And the fact that when everyone works together, there is always HOPE. Let us be clear-eyed. Life is neither easy not straightforward. There will be twists and turns, and things will certainly not always go out way. HOPE motivates us and keeps us going. So tonight, allow to use the word HOPE: H-O-P-E to make a few points.

H- Helping every youth reach Higher

4.          H is for reaching higher.  I want to applaud all of you. To all our boys, or I should say, young men, you have overcome many challenges to get to where you are today. Your parents, families, and Boys’ Home staff, have and will continue to root for you. The theme “Soaring with Gratitude” was chosen for today’s event because we believe that like the eagle, all of you can soar high towards your dreams. I’m sure many of you will do this, but as you take flight, remember to look back, and show your gratitude.

5.          I am proud to announce that all 10 boys who sat for the ‘N’ Levels last year did well and have all qualified for ITE Nitec and Higher Nitec programmes. I was told many of you did better than you thought you would! Well done! 

6.          I would like to share the story of Isaac*. Isaac scored two distinctions at the GCE Normal (Technical) Exams and is currently pursuing a Higher Nitec in Tourism at ITE College West. Isaac used to be always absent from school and lack self-discipline. With his teachers, Youth Guidance Officers, and case worker playing cheerleaders, Isaac pushed himself hard, made good use of his time in the Boys’ Home, and through sheer hard work and discipline, delivered outstanding results.

7.          Other than those graduating, others have also done well in terms of academics and conduct. Max* is one good example. Max used to skip school in the past. Through diligence and a positive mindset, he is today a recipient of not one, but four academic awards! Congratulations! Similarly, Charles* has made tremendous progress. He is the recipient of three awards in academic, character and the performing arts. Max, Charles, and the rest of our boys have made us very proud. 

8.          Apart from the academic curriculum, there are also various vocational certification courses for the boys to further their education or find work in related industries. I would like to specially mention Raimi*. In the Workplace Literacy and Numeracy Assessment, Raimi attained an admirable Level 6 (out of 8 levels of achievements) for the Listening component of Literacy Assessment, to qualify for ITE. Raimi, a keen learner, is also a recipient of the Budding Linguist Award and the Rising Star Award today. 

O- One community to support the youths' rehabilitation and reintegration journey

9.          Back to HOPE. The n letter is O – O is for One community.  All these achievements are possible because of the support of ONE community to support the youths’ rehabilitation and reintegration journey.  To my MSF colleagues who have been walking alongside the youths, I know it can be very challenging at times as you guide and journey with the boys through their ups and downs. But I hope you will take heart when you see the fruits of your labour as some of these boys have turned their lives around under your guidance, and started to thrive. To all the teachers, Youth Guidance Officers, caseworkers, psychologists, and many other colleagues in supportive roles in the Home, thank you for all your efforts in restoring the lives of the boys and helping them build a better future for themselves.

10.         I would also like to thank partners from our youths’ schools in the community, who have been supporting them and taking a keen interest in their progress. Your encouragement and care play an important part in their eventual reintegration to the schools and the community. 


11.         This year has been designated as the Year of Celebrating Volunteers. I would also like to take this chance to thank the volunteers who have been supporting our youths in various roles, such as being their mentors or befrienders. For example, Muhammad Syahiran and Muhammad Raja from the NTU Welfare Services Club, are two of the Homework Buddies who tutor our youths to prepare their national exams. They have been coming every week to guide them in their homework.

12.         Successful rehabilitation and reintegration of youth offenders is indeed a whole-of-society effort. Thank you for the partnership and believing in our youths to be the wind beneath their wings.

P- Helping our youth recognise and develop their Potential

13.         Next, P. P is for Potential. We take pride in providing the boys with a range of experiences that help them recognise and develop their Potential. Whether it is in arts, sports, dance or public speaking, the boys learn new skills and discover new or hidden talents. We will have the opportunity to witness some of their talents later this evening. A shout-out to Rohan*. Rohan is a recipient of the Young Artist Award, and the Team Player of the Year Award. He is a good role model to his peers with his positive attitude in learning as well as his high level of self-discipline. 

14.         Another crucial aspect of the holistic growth of the youths is their socio-emotional development. They pay it forward through Values in Action (VIA) programmes, help the elderly at REACH Senior Centre @ Bukit Batok and work with NParks to maintain the plants at Jurong Lake Gardens. Such experiences encourage our youths to develop empathy and respect for all in society and to care for our environment. This evening, our youths will receive awards such as Amiable Youth, Responsible Youth and Co-operative Youth of the Year. We believe these VIA programmes and awards will serve them well as the mature to become men of exemplary character. 

E- Expanding education and career pathways for our youths

15.         Over the past two years, MSF’s Youth Residential Service has also been working closely with the Ministry of Education, Institutes of Higher Learning, SkillsFuture Singapore, and Workforce Singapore to expand education and career pathways for our youths.

a. For instance, starting this year, four Polytechnics - Nanyang, Ngee Ann, Republic and Temasek have agreed to allow eligible youths to take Semester One of their Year One Diploma courses virtually from our youth homes. Our youths can choose from 22 such courses, such as Common ICT Programme offered by Nanyang Polytechnic's School of Information Technology and Diploma in Real Estate Business by Ngee Ann Polytechnic.

i. The Polytechnics have also shared access to the POLITE Mall, an online learning resource for polytechnic-bound youth.

16.         We also co-developed with MOE a Resource Kit for schools, to help them better support our youths when they return to school and reintegrate into the community. The Resource Kit shares good practices, such as how to better engage the youths to build rapport and implementing a buddy system for the youths to help them settle back more easily into the school environment.


17.         At our Youth Homes, we strive to restore the lives of our youths, empowering them to transform and guiding them to recreate purposeful lives. This vision could not be realised without the close collaboration with all of you. Through our encouragement and their personal Effort, every youth can progress and HOPE for a better future.

18.         So, to all our community partners, inter-agency partners, schools, volunteers, and trainers, thank you for your time and guidance in helping to bring out the best in our boys.

19.         To all parents and families, you play a critical role as the youths’ pillar of support.  Please continue to support your boys in their journey, so that they have the courage and strength to persevere against all odds, and do well in school and in life.   

20.         Lastly, to the boys, I would like to urge all of you to embrace hope and continue to live out your dreams. Remember: Life is neither easy nor straightforward. There will be twists and turns, and things will certainly not always go our way. You will face some bumps along the way, but never lose HOPE. It is my sincerest wish that all of you will be able to ‘Soar with Gratitude’. Thank you.