Alliance for Action to Strengthen Marriages and Family Relationships
Focal Area 4: Support for Single Parents
Focal Area 4 ‘Support for Single Parents’ focuses on supporting single-parent families to care for their children and raise their families by:
- Partnering the community and supporting ground-up initiatives to enable single parents to work, care for and raise their families
- Reviewing gaps in current social support services for single parents and strengthening the support rendered

Ms Susan Ng is an active community volunteer and a member of MOE’s COMPASS Advisory Council (COMmunity and PArents in Support of Schools), a District Councillor with the Central Singapore CDC, and part of IMDA’s Media Literacy Council and the Singapore Kindness Movement Council. Professionally, Ms Susan Ng is a media veteran with over 40 years of broadcasting experience. She produces and presents programmes covering an array of topics, from family and parenting matters to social and community issues. She also received numerous awards for her social contributions, including the Public Service Medal (PBM) (2020), Friend of MSF Award (2019) and the inaugural Community Chest Enabler Award (2018) in recognition of 33 years of voluntary service.

With more than 25 years of experience working in both the public and medical fields of social work, Dr Vincent Ng bears an extensive knowledge and expertise in social service, which drives his passion to create a better future for the disadvantaged. As CEO of AMKFSC Community Services, Dr Ng has transformed the organisation into a multi-service agency that enhances and enriches the lives of children, youths, families and seniors in need through a holistic range of services across multiple touchpoints in Singapore. Dr Ng also contributes his insights as a social work leader by serving on various boards and committees.

Useful Websites
For more information on marriage and divorce support programs for couples and families, visit:
Online Counselling on Family Assist (OCFA)