Other Volunteering Opportunities
Besides being a foster parent, you can also make a difference to the lives of our foster children by volunteering with our Fostering Agencies. Volunteering opportunities include providing befriending, tutoring, and transport assistance.
Contact the Fostering Agencies to find out more about the volunteering opportunities available:
- Community Partnerships Executive (Boys' Town)
Teo Mei Jun (Tel: 9387 0533 or teomeijun@boystown.org.sg) - Volunteer Coordinator (Epworth Community Services)
Donna Lee (Tel: 9119 1066 or Donnalee@epworth.sg)
- Volunteer Coordinator (Muhammadiyah Association)
Fadillah Razali (Tel: 8354 2666 or sinar.ihsan@muhammadiyah.org.sg) - Volunteer Coordinator (Persatuan Pemudi Islam Singapura)
Nur Aisyah (Tel: 8949 1329 or nuraisyah.mdnizam@ppis.sg )
- Volunteer Coordinator (The Salvation Army)
Rachel Hee (Tel: 8833 8173 or Rachel.hee@smm.salvationarmy.org)