Social Work Ethics is an essential component of social work practice and pervades every aspect of our work with clients. Often we are confronted with situations where we wonder what we should do. We believe passionately that awareness is key and hope that these common ethical conundrums can be used in case discussions to help us as social workers navigate them better.
You may download the e-book for Ethics Case Studies here.
Boundaries of Self DisclosureHow much do we tell our clients about our personal lives? LEARN MORE |
Limits to Self DeterminationHow far should one be allowed to make his/ her own decisions? LEARN MORE |
Defining Our Roles in Special Needs SettingsAre we clear on the roles we play in our client's life? LEARN MORE |
Self DeterminationWhat happens if a client's refusal for intervention affect the lives of others? LEARN MORE |
Breaking Confidentiality with MinorsWhen do we break confidentiality when working with minors? LEARN MORE |
Ethics and TechnologyWhat are the ethical issues that come with the use of technology? LEARN MORE |
Saying SorryWhen do social workers have to apologise? LEARN MORE |
Limits of Professional CompetenceHow do we advise our clients when it impinges on areas beyond professional training? LEARN MORE |
Balancing Our Professional and Personal LivesHow do we manage the intersection of our professional and personal lives? LEARN MORE |
Spirit of GivingWhat are the considerations involved when accepting or declining a gift? LEARN MORE |
Social NetworkingWhat are some considerations when using social networking sites? LEARN MORE |
Unethical Agency PracticesWhat do we do if we witness unethical agency practices? LEARN MORE |
DocumentationWhat happens when one does not document decisions? LEARN MORE |